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Are There Bail Bond Limits in CT?

A bond limit occurs when a judge does not approve a suspect’s bail. There are many factors that can limit a bail bond, a key factor is having an extensive arrest record.  When determining if a bail should be posted, the judge will review the suspect’s arrest history. If the suspect has been arrested multiple times, prior to the current arrest, the judge will most likely limit the bail. Another factor that can prevent bail from being posted is the severity of the crime the suspect has committed. 

Why a Bail Bond Limit is Set

The bail bond process differs from person to person. When a judge sets bail, it is because they believe that the suspect will appear on their court appointed date. If a judge believes that there is any chance a suspect will fail to appear, they will impose a bail limit. The severity of the suspects’ crime will also influence a judge’s decision to grant bail or not. If the judge believes the suspect is a threat to civilians, they will not grant bail. If a suspect has been arrested multiple times, the judge may feel that it is not safe for a suspect to go out on bail.

A few other reasons a judge may impose a bail bond limit are:

*If the crime a suspect has committed is a capital offense
*If the crime committed with a maximum punishment is a life sentence
*If the crime is a drug-related crime with a punishment of over ten years in prison

Your Reliable Resource for Bail Bond Limits in CT

If you are still unsure of what a bail bond is, or how they function please reach out to Alliance Bail Bonds. We are more than willing to go over any questions you may have. Also, if you have a bail bond limit imposed on you or a loved one and would like some help, please give us a call at 860-585-5245


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