offices - Alliance Bail Bonds
Alliance Bail Bonds 860-585-5245

Immigration Bail Bonds in Connecticut

Once the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has detained an individual it is essential for that person to have the right company handle their immigration bail bonds. But to pick the right company that person must understand what exactly an immigration bail bond is and how it works.

What is an Immigration Bail Bond?

Immigration Bail Bonds are used for undocumented individuals who have been detained by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). After this undocumented individual is detained, they are provided a bail hearing. In this bail hearing, a judge will determine whether or not the defendant will be allowed to post bail. If the judge grants bail that party must provide it in order to proceed.

Different Types of Immigration Bail Bonds

In this type of bond, the individual in ICE custody receives an arrest warrant and conditions for a release on a delivery bond. This is to ensure the individual is present for all necessary hearings. Immigration bail bonds is to guarantee that the government is compensated for any public services the individual uses throughout the process.

In this bond, the individual is given the option to voluntarily depart the country by a given date. This type of bond is for individuals who do not want to have a hearing.

In Need of an Immigration Bond?

Alliance Bail Bonds has offices located all throughout Connecticut. Our abundance of locations allows for strong relationships with Connecticut’s top attorneys. Our 24-hour customer service ensures our constant support and dependability during difficult situations.

Before any action is taken call, Alliance Bail Bonds at 860-585-5245.


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